Maori body work
mirimiri & romiromi are a traditional form of maori healing that assist you to heal on three levels physically, mentally and spiritually.
Maori body work
mirimiri & romiromi are a traditional form of maori healing that assist you to heal on three levels physically, mentally and spiritually.
Maori Bodywork (Romiromi and Mirimiri) may move from the gentle exchanges between bodyworker and client during Mirimiri (a gentle tuning in and intuitive scanning) to deep tissue bodywork releases of Romiromi, which releases stuck tissue, psychological blocks as well as emotions.
The work is deep and penetrating with the ability to reach areas of the mind and body, which may have been bound and hidden for years.
Our aim is to promote this wonderful way of working to help people release and let go of deep seeded and unnecessarily negative patterns, which have found their way into their bodies. The work enables healing to take place so that people need not return to self-destructive ways.
Jacque, Sunshine Coast, Australia